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Artisanal workings focused on steeply dipping tabular shear veins within highly sheared felsic schist.
Rock sample from Banded Iron Formation immediately next to a vent shaft crown pillar. The banded iron is approximately 1.5m wide and contacted on both sides by the chlorite sericite shists typical of the rest of the area. The rock itself is a paler vughy unit with diffuse lamination and is presumably typical of the ore from the mine.
Rock sample from a banded iron formation which has weathered clear from the chlorite sericite schist and can be clearly inferred on the contact of both sides of the body. Whilst irregular the body has a nominal width of approximately 1.5m. When broken, the laminae in the banded iron formation are more diffuse than is typical of the district and a pattern of narrow quartz vein stockworking encountered in the area indicate that there may be a hydrothermal overprint. Gossanous zones are common although this is not atypical.
Smokey grey quartz exposed in a shallow pit. Rock sample taken from a small prospecting pit opened and abandoned by the artisanal miners. The target appears to be a well-developed black cherty quartz vein with rare vughs. The width of 40cm is clearly visible in the pit.
Rock sample in the vicinity of a very poorly developed vertical artisanal shaft with a strike of about 3m into the light grey green chlorite sericite schist. Sample material was collected from a remnant stockpile next to the site with white vughy quartz with black haematite / manganese veins. This sample has gold and silver elements.